Reintegrate problem Shisheng  2015-03-19 12:57
Hi Brendan,

I want to get the Peak score model, but the unexpected error was happened, which is shown in the attachment. I don't why?


Nick Shulman responded:  2015-03-19 13:42
Thank you for reporting this problem. I will contact you in email about how to send us your files so that we can figure out what is going wrong.

Whenever you see the "Unexpected Error" dialog box like that in Skyline, the easiest way to report it is to fill in your email address and press the "Report" button.
Nick Shulman responded:  2015-03-20 15:23
Thank you for sending me your file. I have opened an issue for this bug:

I am not sure what is going wrong, or how this part of Skyline is supposed to work.
It looks like you can work around this error by going into
Settings > Transition Settings > Full Scan > MS/MS Filtering > Isolation Scheme > <Edit Current...>
and then unchecking the box that says "Specify Target".

However, I am not sure what other effects doing that would be.
Brendan MacLean responded:  2015-03-21 08:08
Hi Sisheng,
Nick is right that you can work around this by removing the targets from your DIA isolation scheme. They are not really adding anything. In the next release, in fact, we are planning on removing the option to specify targets, since all vendors now center their targets in the isolation windows.

I also have a fix to this error that I will put in the next patch release.

Sorry for the bug. Thanks for reporting it and supplying your file to help us reproduce the error.

Shisheng responded:  2015-03-23 01:50
Hi Brendan,

Yeah, it does really work. Thank you and Nick O(∩_∩)O.
