Adding Precursor [M-1] trace to all precursors by default sean jensen  2024-04-25 21:39


We use the [M-1] to qualify potential interferences and correct species identification for peptides and was wondering if anyone is able to help me enable the precursor [M-1] chromatogram trace for all precursors in a document by default. I've tried manually enabling the option for each precursor, but this is impractical to do for large analyses.

Thanks in advance!


Nick Shulman responded:  2024-04-25 22:33
Unfortunately there really is no other way to add all of those M-1 precursors to the document. We have talked about adding a feature to let you bulk-add things like that but for now the manual way one at a time is the only way that exists.
sean jensen responded:  2024-04-28 16:12
Hi Nick,

Thank you for your swift reply!

Ah ok, I'll keep my eyes peeled for the future renditions then.
