Import of search results from Peptideatlas to build the BiblioSpec library

Import of search results from Peptideatlas to build the BiblioSpec library 2378572477  2024-04-28 00:52

I am trying to build the BiblioSpec library from Peptideatlas. I downloadsed Honeybee(Database Tables: XML) for building BiblioSpec library. After I added the result. file, an error popped up saying not a valid library input file. Can you please let me know how to fix this? Or what is the other way to build the BiblioSpec library(about Honeybee)?

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-04-28 10:24
The XML file that you referred to starts with "<SBEAMS_EXPORT>".
Skyline does not understand that format at all.

You can download spectral libraries from Peptide Atlas:

You can download files from the Peptide Atlas site with the filename extensions ".msp".

Skyline understands the files whose names end in ".msp" and ".sptxt".
The way to use a .msp or .sptxt file in Skyline is to go to:
Settings > Peptide Settings > Library
and then use the "Edit List" button and "Add" to add the library.

The way that you use a .msp or .sptxt file in Skyline is different from the way that you use peptide search results. You usually build a .blib file from the peptide search results. But, with .msp and .sptxt you "Add" them to the list of libraries without creating a .blib.
-- Nick