Integration with Other Tools


The Skyline project has implemented integration with many tools and instrument platforms.  Skyline supports building spectral libraries from the outputs of nearly 20 different peptide spectrum matching pipelines.  It exports methods to and imports data from the instruments of 6 different vendors.  And, Skyline integrates with a number of external tools and the Panorama targeted proteomics knowledge base.

Here are two brief tutorials describing how Skyline also integrates with other chromatography-based quantitative tools and information they may produce:

Importing Integration Boundaries from Other Tools
This tutorial covers Skyline support for importing the start and end integration times determined for peptide elution by tools other than Skyline.  You can use this feature to benchmark or visualize the performance of other tools, or simply to incorporate their results into a Skyline-based workflow.

Importing Assay Libraries
Several tools have begun to use enhanced transition lists (with added relative product ion abundance and normalized retention times - iRTs) called "assay libraries".  To better support this format, Skyline will now suggest creating an iRT calculator and a minimal spectral library during transition list import when these extra columns are detected.  Learn what to expect and what to watch out for when using this feature. 

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