Webinar #1: Getting the Most Out of DDA Data with Skyline


Over 300 people attended the first Skyline Tutorial Webinar live on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, in two sessions: 8am morning and 4pm afternoon (Pacific Time). Each session ran to around 1.5 hours. Although we experienced some minor technical difficulties in both, we were able to record both sessions, and bring the morning session to you here in a streamed video format, with a brief table of contents.

THANKS!! To everyone who attended to give the event its energy and make the Q & A session worth saying longer for.

Below, you will find video, slides (in PowerPoint and PDF formats), links to Skyline documents on PanoramaWeb, raw data on Chorus and a ZIP file containing the starting files presented at this webinar. All questions asked have been answered in writing on a Q & A page. Enjoy.

Brendan MacLean
(Principal Developer)

Presentation Slides

Initial Import on Panorama

Raw Data on Chorus

Tutorial Files (3.5 GB)

Birgit Schilling
(Scientific Advisor)

Presentation Slides

Example Document on Panorama

Review Webinar 2

Jump Start DIA Analysis with DDA Data
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

MS1 Filtering Tutorial

The written MS1 Full-Scan Filtering tutorial is a great companion to Webinar #1. Learn more about working with chromatogram data extracted from the MS1 scans of DDA data in this 38 page step-by-step tutorial.